• Welcome to Alteration Apparel, your number one source for unique designs and apparel. We're dedicated to giving you the very best experience, with a focus on quality, low pricing, and custom art! Founded in 2022, Alteration Apparel has come a long way. When we first started out, our passion for gaming and fantasy lore drove us to create and collect custom art so that we can offer you truly unique designs to show off. We now serve customers all over the United States, and are thrilled that we're able to turn our passion into our own website. We hope that you share the same passion.

  • We are currently collaborating to come up with new designs and will
    be actively updating our website to give you the best quality that we
    possibly can. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy
    offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please
    don't hesitate to contact us at:


  • What does Alteration Apparel mean?

    We believe the name Alteration Apparel is fitting because to us it
    has two different meanings. Alteration magic is a caster magic art involving the ability of altering, to the user's liking, a target's physical and magical properties. This magic allows them to change a target's properties and appearance, or even create various items or
    materials for their personal use.

    You may also know the term alteration meaning to change: the act or process of altering something : the result of changing or altering something: such as: a change made in fitting a garment

    Our products fit this name perfectly. Altering you appearance with a design that shows off the fantasy world!

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